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Pub 5ниця (Piatnytsya)

A few weeks ago in the very centre of the city a new pub was opened. It is called Pub 5ниця. The official name is Piatnytsya (it means Friday in English).

The entrance to the pub is made in the shape of London call box. It stands at a common house in Kryva street that is situated near Mazepa street.

Entering this box you’ll get into England with old street clocks and lamps.

Then you will see the main room where a big group of friends can watch football matches that are shown here all the time (as in any classic pub).

The interior of the pub is well designed but there is not too much decoration – brick walls and small shelves with telephones. The atmosphere of the pub is very cheerful and noisy. And with every next glass of beer your mood will become better and you’ll feel as if you are a part of the whole atmosphere.

There is also a room for non smokers where you can see a few big tables. This room is great for a big company celebrating the victory of the favorite team or any other event.

The famous places of London appear on some walls and this adds much to the English spirit of the pub.

The ancient lamps decorate the walls and give warm and pleasant light.

This pub is very attractive and cozy. You can always meet a lot of interesting and pleasant people. For those who like beer there are different sorts of this drink of their own production as well as of famous foreign trends. The food is also delicious.

Have a nice evening and tasty beer!

 4.67 (Votes: 3)

Post Jen777 on Thu Mar 10, 2011 | Views 5187

паб класний, конкурент '10ки'. Здається є вайфай, що немаловажно, судячи по кількості ноут/нетбуків, які там обідали:)
Added Olga Bandura on Fri Mar 11, 2011
щоб стати конкурентом Десятки, він має протриматися пару років..Плюс кегове пиво+ смачна їжа + ліберальні ціни
Added maky on Fri Mar 11, 2011
Nice interior, good atmosphere
You have to like the entrance to "5ниця", a London looking phone booth. Very unique. Now that you are reading this review you will know to look for the phone booth to find the entrance to the pub, so you should have no trouble finding the place.

The interior is very well done, with the drawings on the exposed brick walls of London scenes. Big tables for sharing with your friends or for meeting new friends, all dark wood to give it that english pub feel.

As for food, my first try of greek salad was good, but sorry the Deruny was not the greatest. But I am willing to try it again!

Also watch going out the door, only so many people will fit on the steps as the door opens inward....
Added emmygengler on Fri Mar 11, 2011
Ніби все класно, але щось не те. Якщо вже вирішили притримуватись англійського стилю, то чого тоді стіни в туалеті обклеєні не англомовними газетами? Особисто я проти копіювання, якщо вже створювати новий паб, чи ресторан, то стиль повинен бути особливим, і відрізнятись не тільки входом, але й меню. Моя оцінка 4, тобто, просто добре.
Added EaterIF on Fri Mar 25, 2011
Була шокована поведінкою персоналу:коли ми з коліжанкою присіли не за той столик,який "радила" адміністратор,-дівчина очевидно вирішила відімстити(дуже шкодую,що не глянула на бейдж).Офіціантки тарілки забирали з-під носа,не давши навіть доїсти...в результаті ми просто пішли,-дуже не хотілось зіпсувати собі настрій остаточно.Дуже дивно і неприємно,спочатку в мене було враження хорошого закладу. Не рекомендую!!!
Added Оксана on Thu Jul 21, 2011